Mineral Salts with Cosmetics Applications

In many different cosmetic application areas, mineral salts are frequently employed as functional additives. They include for example, skin and dental care deodorants, hair products, and nutricosmetics.
Mineral salts have a crucial role in a wide range of cosmetic products due to their numerous uses. For instance, they can make creams more viscous, make them cloudy, or serve as buffers. They can, however, also add volume to hair, smooth the skin, lessen perspiration, eliminate bad odors, and remineralize teeth.
Minerals are additionally known to promote “beauty from inside” and are utilized as so-called nutricosmetics, or cosmetic dietary supplements, to provide the body the nourishment it needs to look healthy.
A good number of the raw materials we use in our products are from natural sources and can be employed in natural beauty products. Our Mineral Salts, however, outperform natural products because are much more pure and consistently superior quality, lacking the variations that are inherent in natural materials.